Follow these guides when supplying artwork.


Files should be supplied as PDF files.  We do not accept Word, Powerpoint or Excel files  for printing.

If using Canva, save your files for commercial printing with bleed and crop marks

Crop Marks

Crop Marks or Trim Marks are printed in the corners of your artwork page size to indicate where to trim the sheet.


If you require an image to end on the edge of the sheet you need to extend the image beyond the crop marks (this is referred to as bleed) . Please supply all pages with 3mm Bleed

Safe zones

It is advisable not to have text too close to the edge of your page. Text too close to the edges can be trimmed off even though there are crop marks, there is a potential for slight movement in the printing and finishing processes. We recommend a 5-10m safe zone.


Supplied as one single file, set up in page order as a print ready pdf with fonts embedded, crop marks and bleed. Please do not supply files as spreads or each page of text as separate pdfs as we are not able to work with these files.

RGB (is what the computer monitors use) on the screen looks very vivid, once converted to CMYK the colours may change to give a dull look.

RGB colours may look good on screen but they will need converting to CMYK for printing. This applies to any colours used in the artwork and to the imported images and files.

If you are supplying artwork as a high resolution, press ready PDF then this conversion should be done when in Photoshop. If you are supplying artwork in its original format, such as InDesign or QuarkXPress, then it is better to convert colours to CMYK before supplying artwork and files. This will not only give you a better idea of how the colours will look when they are printed but will avoid any problems with colour shifts that may occur.

What size should your bleed area be?

When it comes to setting your bleed area for print, it is important to ensure you set it to 3mm each side or else add 6mm onto the length and width or your page. 

This additional 6mm will allow for a 3mm bleed to be added around your whole page. If you are designing a leaflet or business card or any printed material, it is important to ensure you remember this 3mm bleed area on each side of your print.

To help you get your bleed dimensions right, we have created a table of page dimensions including and excluding bleed.